You should always be at the head of your treatment plan. Talk to your physician about seeing a psychiatrist. A mental health provider may be able to help you get to the reasons behind your behavior and the deeper causes for you depression. You can see a therapist one-on-one or attend group therapy sessions.
Once you understand your diagnosis, you should learn as much as you can. Research new treatments and be honest with your doctor and therapist about how well their suggestions and treatments are working for you. If you learn about a new treatment that you believe may be helpful in treating your specific disorder, talk to your doctor about it. Although researchers have learned a lot about depression, the brain is a complex organ and scientific researchers are learning more every day.
If your doctor prescribes medication, always take it exactly as it has been prescribed. Take too much medication all at once can cause harmful side effects and may even be deadly. If you stop taking your medication suddenly, you may also suffer from a wide range of side effects. Make sure your doctor is aware of any other medications you may be taking to avoid dangerous drug interactions.
Get support from close friends and trusted family members. Try to stay away from people who are negative during your first few months of treatment. Talking to other people who have been diagnosed with a depressive disorder can make it easier for you to deal with all your emotions and fears.
Make a concerted effort to change your eating and sleeping habits. Get some exercise, take time to do the things you really enjoy and surround yourself with positive people. Try to have a positive attitude yourself, even if you are feeling a little down. Although medication can improve your depression, you must make changes in your behavior to improve your mental health.
This is a guest post by Barbara Mitchell who runs a website delaing with the issues surrounding anxiety, depression and stress. You can read her in-depth reviews of the Linden Method - one of the most popular courses dealing with the problem on her website.
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